Animations in Jetpack Compose with examples

Learn to implement engaging animations in Jetpack Compose!
Jan 24 2022 · 8 min read


Hi guys, today we are going to explore how we can implement animations in Jetpack compose. Full source code of this project is available on github, feel free to fork or directly use required animations in your applications.

This post consists of 4 animations:

  1. Stepper animation — Card that will flip right or left depending on where you tap
  2. Heart animation — Heart jumping animation with shadow
  3. Progress animation — Standard progress animations with 3 dots
  4. Wave animation — Recording button with infinite waves

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Final implementation will look like this…

Let’s begin with the animations!

Stepper animation

We will first design static UI for the animation with tap functionality, which we will later animate.

Let’s add following code to implement stepper UI

fun Step(number: Int) {
        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
        Box(modifier = Modifier
            .clickable {

            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
                modifier = Modifier.align(Center),
                text = number.toString(), color = Color.Black, fontSize = 40.sp

        Box(modifier = Modifier
            .clickable {

fun flipBack() {

fun flipNext() {

We have used a row that will have 3 divisions, first and third for detecting taps and middle one for showing current step number. We also have flipBack and flipNext functions which are called on tap but haven’t implemented yet.

If you look at animation closely, stepper has two sides — front and back. We need two sides because we keep showing current side while switching to next one. Let’s make above UI reusable and implement stepper that will switch sides without animation.

fun StepperAnimation(modifier: Modifier) {
    var currentNumber by remember {

    var frontNumber by remember {
    var backNumber by remember {

    var targetAngle by remember {

    fun isFront(): Boolean {
        val value = abs(targetAngle % 360)
        return value < 90 || value > 270

    fun flipBack() {
        currentNumber -= 1
        if (isFront()) {
            backNumber = currentNumber
        } else {
            frontNumber = currentNumber
        targetAngle -= 180f

    fun flipNext() {
        currentNumber += 1
        if (isFront()) {
            backNumber = currentNumber
        } else {
            frontNumber = currentNumber
        targetAngle += 180f

    fun Step(number: Int, rotationY: Float) {
            modifier = Modifier
                .graphicsLayer {
                    this.rotationY = rotationY
        ) {
            Box(modifier = Modifier
                .clickable {

                modifier = Modifier
            ) {
                    modifier = Modifier.align(Center),
                    text = number.toString(), color = Color.Black, fontSize = 40.sp

            Box(modifier = Modifier
                .clickable {


        modifier = modifier
            .graphicsLayer {
                rotationY = targetAngle
    ) {
        if (isFront()) {
            Step(number = frontNumber, rotationY = 0f)
        } else {
            Step(number = backNumber, rotationY = targetAngle)


We have done following changes to previous code:

  1. If you see at the bottom, we have reused the step function and we show different step depending on whether user is seeing front or back side of the stepper.
  2. We have added targetAngle variable that is default 0 but we change it to -180 and 180 degrees when user clicks on flip back or next. We manage rotation with graphicsLayer's rotationY property. If you apply rotationY property to step containerBox only, you will see mirrored back side of the stepper. To fix it, we will have to rotate the view again with the same angle. i.e 180 + 180 = 360 = 0
  3. Added currentNumber variable which will keep track of current step count
  4. Added frontNumber and backNumber that are used by respective sides of the stepper.
  5. Implemented flipBack and flipNext functions. Both function will increase/decrease current number, set it to next side’s variable and will change targetAngle to flip the stepper.

If you run the code now, stepper will work but without any animation and that’s not cool at all. Let’s add some animations.

To add animation, we will use state animation API of Jetpack compose.

val rotation = animateFloatAsState(
    targetValue = targetAngle,
    animationSpec = tween(
        durationMillis = 400,
        easing = FastOutSlowInEasing,
fun isFront(): Boolean {
    val value = abs(rotation.value % 360)
    return value < 90 || value > 270
    modifier = modifier
        .graphicsLayer {
            rotationY = rotation.value
) {
    if (isFront()) {
        Step(number = frontNumber, rotationY = 0f)
    } else {
        Step(number = backNumber, rotationY = rotation.value)

We added a rotation animation that will smoothly animate targetAngle value whenever its value changes. We updated stepper code to use rotation from animation instead of targetAngle

Well, that’s it. Run the composable and you will see stepper animate!!

Heart animation

This animation has two parts — Jumping heart image and bottom shadow. We will implement jumping heart first!

Let’s start with basic UI

    modifier = modifier
) {
        imageVector = Icons.Filled.Favorite,
        tint = Color.White,
        modifier = Modifier

A column with icon, pretty simple!

Let’s add jumping animation, we will use Jetpack compose infinite animation API.

val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
    val dy by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
        initialValue = 0f,
        targetValue = 1f,
        animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
            animation = tween(1000, easing = LinearEasing),
            repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse

    val travelDistance = with(LocalDensity.current) { 30.dp.toPx() }

        modifier = modifier
    ) {
            imageVector = Icons.Filled.Favorite,
            tint = Color.White,
            modifier = Modifier
                .graphicsLayer {
                    translationY = dy * travelDistance

Let’s discuss the changes we made:

  1. Added dy animation that is a float value transition. It will transition between values 0 and 1 infinitely.
  2. Added travelDistance variable which tracks how high we want to jump the heart image.
  3. Added translationY property in heart icon. dy value will change based on current running animation frame and it will be handled by jetpack compose.

If you run the composable now, you will see heart jumping. Now let’s add the missing shadow!

    modifier = modifier
) {
    Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(30.dp))

        modifier = Modifier
            .graphicsLayer {
                scaleX = 0.5f + dy / 2
                alpha = 0.3f + dy / 2
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier
                .background(color = Color.White, shape = CircleShape)

We added a new Box that’s responsible for showing shadow. You will see we have configured two graphicsLayer properties here which are dependent on the animation — scaleX and alpha . That’s because we want to animate those properties at the same time. We are not limited to two properties though, possibilities are infinite with jetpack compose!!

Run the composable and you will see fully implemented heart animation.

fun ProgressAnimation(modifier: Modifier) {

    val dots = listOf(
        remember { Animatable(0f) },
        remember { Animatable(0f) },
        remember { Animatable(0f) },

    Row(modifier) {
        dots.forEachIndexed { index, dot ->
            ) {
                        .background(color = Color.White, shape = CircleShape)

            if (index != dys.size - 1) {
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(10.dp))


Progress animation

UI is pretty self explanatory except the dot variable at the top. Ignore that for now, it stores the animatable values that we will use later on.

Otherwise, we just iterated an array with 3 elements and created 3 dots. Well, at least dot looking Box! We also have logic to add space between dots that is executed for each iteration except last one as we don’t need space after last dot.

If you run the composable now, you will see three static dots.

Now is the time to animate dots. We will use jetpack compose Animatable API.

We should use this API if we want to animate the value dynamically, i.e in our case we want to delay animation start of the second and third dots. We can not use start delayMillis as that is considered for repeat animation as well. We just want to delay initial animation, and then continue loop without any delay.

val dots = listOf(
    remember { Animatable(0f) },
    remember { Animatable(0f) },
    remember { Animatable(0f) },

dots.forEachIndexed { index, animatable ->
    LaunchedEffect(animatable) {
        delay(index * 100L)
            targetValue = 1f, animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
                animation = keyframes {
                    durationMillis = 2000
                    0.0f at 0 with LinearOutSlowInEasing
                    1.0f at 200 with LinearOutSlowInEasing
                    0.0f at 400 with LinearOutSlowInEasing
                    0.0f at 2000
                repeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart,

We create animation variable that will animate between 0 to 1. As previously discussed, we delay second and third dot ball animation, 100ms each. Also, we have used keyframes animation API here.

keyframes allow us to define what target value should be at particular time. We set it to 1.0 at 200ms and set it back to 0 at 400ms as we want to jump dots only for 400ms. With keyframes, we can create very cool animations that will change its rate depending on time.

Now let’s add remaining code to complete the animation

val dys = { it.value }

val travelDistance = with(LocalDensity.current) { 15.dp.toPx() }

Row(modifier) {
    dys.forEachIndexed { index, dy ->
                .graphicsLayer {
                    translationY = -dy * travelDistance
        ) {

Here we transform Animatable array to its values and create travelDistance variable for dot jump height. Later, we configure translationY of the dot view to change its position according to animation.

We are done with the animation! Run the composition and see dots jumping in rhythm.

Wave animation

Wave animation is very much like progress animation. The difference is in the UI and also the animation property. For waves, we animate alpha and scaleX scaleY properties.

Let’s begin by adding static UI

fun WavesAnimation(modifier: Modifier) {

    val waves = listOf(
        remember { Animatable(0f) },
        remember { Animatable(0f) },
        remember { Animatable(0f) },
        remember { Animatable(0f) },

    Box(modifier) {
        // Waves
        waves.forEach { wave ->
            ) {
                        .background(color = Color.White, shape = CircleShape)

        // Mic icon
                .background(color = Color.White, shape = CircleShape)
        ) {
                painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_mic_24),
                tint = Color.Black,
                modifier = Modifier



Pretty basic UI stuffs. We iterated waves and added circle view for each wave. We also added a static mic icon in the center that will not be animated.

If you notice, we have used same 50dp size for all waves. Well, that’s fine, we will animate it to different size with scale transformation.

Now let’s animate the waves~

val animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable<Float>(
    animation = tween(4000, easing = FastOutLinearInEasing),
    repeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart,

waves.forEachIndexed { index, animatable ->
    LaunchedEffect(animatable) {
        delay(index * 1000L)
            targetValue = 1f, animationSpec = animationSpec

val dys = { it.value }

Box(modifier) {
    // Waves
    dys.forEach { dy ->
                .graphicsLayer {
                    scaleX = dy * 4 + 1
                    scaleY = dy * 4 + 1
                    alpha = 1 - dy

Here, just like progress animation, we created animation that will animate between 0 to 1 infinitely. Based on that, we scaled waves and animated alpha between 1 to 0, that will make waves disappear at the animation end when they are scaled maximum.

That’s it, if you run the composable now, waves will animate!


That will be it for today. As we observed, Jetpack compose animation APIs are very straightforward and clear to use. Also, they allow us to write complex animations with very few lines of code.

If we had to write the above animations using traditional android views, the implementation will not be as clear as above and it might take lots of lines of code and our brain too!

Full source code of the animation is available on github.

Happy animating!

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Jimmy Sanghani
Jimmy Sanghani is a tech nomad and cofounder at Canopas helping businesses use new age leverage - Code and Media - to grow their revenue exponentially. With over a decade of experience in both web and mobile app development, he has helped 100+ clients transform their visions into impactful digital solutions. With his team, he's helping clients navigate the digital landscape and achieve their objectives, one successful project at a time.

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Jimmy Sanghani
Jimmy Sanghani is a tech nomad and cofounder at Canopas helping businesses use new age leverage - Code and Media - to grow their revenue exponentially. With over a decade of experience in both web and mobile app development, he has helped 100+ clients transform their visions into impactful digital solutions. With his team, he's helping clients navigate the digital landscape and achieve their objectives, one successful project at a time.


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